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Chris McFee

Just another technologist

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Time to catch up

It has been many months since my last significant post; I figured it was time to dust this blog off again and begin posting again. In the time since I’ve la...

Bimodal IT, is it sustainable?

Gartner has come up with a term called “Bimodal IT” or sometimes referred to “Two-Speed IT” in many of their DevOps research topics. Their definition of thi...


What Is DevOps?

There are still several misconceptions surrounding DevOps that I hear or see on a daily basis (conversing with others, blog posts, podcasts, twitter, etc). ...

Swarm, Kubernetes, or Mesos?

Docker by itself is great if you need single containers and you don’t mind manual scaling. The new network (see my comments around the new network layer) st...

Can Chef and Docker Coexist?

As I’ve said in my previous posts, I’ve been researching many different tools in the space as it pertains to the practice of DevOps. Docker is a no-brainer ...

Using Docker@home

One of the great things about Docker is the portability and confidence that the consistency provides. There are some things you need to consider before leve...

Goodbye FreeNAS

Last year I took the FreeNAS plunge with some older hardware I had around the house and for all intents and purposes I was quite happy with my initial decisi...

Welcome to the Herd

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend the #DevOpsDaysOhio conference and it was so enlightening for to talk with all the practitioners in the...